Student Right to Know Student Right to Know

Student Right to Know

In accordance with federal regulations, Frederick Community College provides prospective and current students as well as the general public with a variety of academic, institutional, and financial assistance information.

Listed below is contact information for college officials designated to assist individuals in obtaining the institutional or financial information required to be disclosed. Paper copies will be provided upon request to the appropriate college official listed for each area.

Copyright Laws

What is a copyright and what College policies address violations of copyright laws?

Copyright, a form of intellectual property law, protects an owner’s right to control the reproduction, distribution, performance, display and transmission of original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture.

Activity that violates these protections, including downloading and/or sharing copyrighted works without the owners' permission is a violation of copyright law and also of the College's Copyright Policy and Procedure. Nor is such activity an acceptable use of Frederick Community College's information technology network. The use of technology policy and procedure outlines the prohibition of unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material may result in short-term or permanent loss of access to the college information technology resources, and/or may result in civil or criminal prosecution and/or may result in termination of employment, and/or may result in academic discipline or dismissal for students. Civil and criminal penalties for violations of Federal copyright laws are the responsibility of the violator.

What is Frederick Community College’s Plan to Address Copyright Violations? 

Frederick Community College uses a network monitoring device to effectively combat the unauthorized distribution of copyright material. This technology-based deterrent can be used to analyze web traffic for patterns and anomalies indicative of illegal Peer-to-Peer file sharing. If it is discovered that a system is using excessive bandwidth, the user will be contacted to ensure that the bandwidth consumption is for legal purposes and that the user is aware of the College’s policies and procedures concerning illegal peer-to-peer file sharing.

This plan will be reviewed annually by the CTO in collaboration with the Vice President for Student Affairs in June of each year and revised as necessary to remain in compliance. Based on the monitoring data that IT Network Services collects and evaluates relative to network traffic, the review will assess the overall effectiveness of the College's plan to comply with the HEOA Peer-to-Peer file sharing requirement to promote the legal use of copyrighted materials. Any changes to this plan as a result of the review will take effect at the commencement of the following academic year.

Alternatives to Illegal Downloading 

Frederick Community College provides a link on its public website to the Educause legal download page
The Educause page provides links to sites that provide numerous options for obtaining music and videos in a legal manner. The site is located at:

Disclosure of Graduation and Transfer-Rates of All Students and Athletes who Received Financial Aid

Contact: Dr. Cheoleon Lee
[email protected]
Senior Researcher, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Office: B225

The institution’s graduation/completion and transfer-out rates is provided in compliance with the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. The rates reflect the graduation, completion, and transfer-out status of students who enrolled in a particular semester whom 150% (based on 3 years of attendance) of the normal time to-completion has elapsed. The same rates are reported for the athletes who received aid.

View the Higher Education Institutional Disclosure Requirements Report.

Financial Assistance Information

Financial Assistance Information
Contact: Nichole Pollard
[email protected]
Director, Financial Aid  

The College offers a wide range of assistance available from federal, state, local and institutional programs including grants, loans, employment and scholarships. Our Financial Aid office provides information on eligibility requirements, application forms and procedures, satisfactory academic progress standards, disbursement of funds, refund policy and requirements for return of federal financial aid as well as information on federal student financial aid penalties for drug law violations. In addition, complete student loan information is available.  View our Financial Aid page 

Student Complaint Process

Student Complaint Process

Contact: Benita Rashaw
[email protected]
Interim Vice President for Student Affairs
Office: H-100A

Frederick Community College is committed to resolving student concerns and grievances in a fair and expedient manner. Students must first attempt to resolve the concern through the College internal grievance resolution process. However, if the concern is not able to be resolved through the internal grievance resolution process, the Maryland Higher Education Commission has developed a complaint resolution process for students who are residents of the state of Maryland. Frederick Community College is a State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement member. Student grievances from individuals outside of the state of Maryland can be submitted following the Maryland Higher Education Commission process. Frederick Community College is fully accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

Professional Licensure Disclosure

Professional Licensure Disclosure
Contact: Dr. Sandy McCombe Waller
[email protected]
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs/Dean of Health, Business, Technology & Science
Office: B219

In accordance with 34 C.F.R. §668.43, and in compliance with the requirements outlined in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA) Manual, Frederick Community College provides the following disclosure related to the educational requirements for professional licensure and certification. This disclosure is strictly limited to the institution’s determination of whether its educational programs, if successfully completed, would be sufficient to meet the educational licensure or certification requirements in a State other than Maryland (MD).

This disclosure does not provide any guarantee that any particular state licensure or certification entity will approve or deny your application. Furthermore, this disclosure does not account for changes in state law or regulation that may affect your application for licensure and occur after this disclosure has been made. Enrolled students and prospective students are strongly encouraged to contact their State’s licensure entity directly.

The impacted programs include: 
Physical Therapy Assistant
Respiratory Care
Surgical Technology

Additional helpful licensing information can also be found on the Career One Stop Portal.

Security Information

Security Information

Contact: Robin Shusko
[email protected]
Director of Public Safety, Security, and Emergency Preparedness

Each year the College publishes a Security Report  that addresses campus security policies as well as crime statistics and crime log.  Specific information includes procedures for reporting criminal actions or emergencies on campus and programs designed to inform students and employees about the prevention of crimes.  In addition, the report includes policies regarding the possession, use and sale of alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs and enforcement of related federal and state laws.  Information is also provided about the availability of Maryland sex offender registry information, policies regarding campus sexual assault prevention programs and the procedure to be followed if a sexual offense occurs.  Campus crime statistics for the most recent 3 calendar years are also included in the report. 

Additionally, the campus crime log for the most recent 60 days is open to public inspection during normal business hours. Portions of the log older than 60 days is available for public inspection within two business days of a request. Requests for viewing the crime log should be made through Robin Shusko, Director of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness​.
Information on the College’s Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program, is available for students and employees, as well as our vaccination policy for nursing students.

Institutional Information

Institutional Information

Contact: Megan Henry
[email protected]
Disability Specialist, Disability Access Services
Office: A105

Frederick Community College is a vibrant campus that reflects our commitment to faculty, staff and student diversity. The College subscribes to full access to all college facilities as outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and as amended. Specific information regarding facilities and services available to students with disabilities available from our Disability Access Services web page

Frederick Community College is fully accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Middle States Accreditation attests that the Commission on Higher Education considers the institution to be offering its students the educational opportunities implied by its objectives. A copy of the College accreditation documentation, as well as all state and federal agency approvals, is available from the President's office. The College is also approved by the Maryland State Department of Education. The College is certified for the education and training of veterans enabling them to receive VA benefits while attending classes.

An outstanding educational value, Frederick Community College strives to keep tuition affordable, as reflected in our price of attendance. Information is available regarding the official refund policy, as well as the requirements and procedures for official withdrawal from the College. Students are also advised to review procedures related to the requirements for the return of federal financial aid.

Frederick Community College offers a variety of educational opportunities including individual courses, certificate programs and associate degrees in a wide range of subjects. Information about our educational programs is published in our catalog, schedule of classes and throughout our web site. Instruction is supported by modern, state of the art instructional facilities. Our faculty consists of nearly 100 full-time and 550 part-time faculty members.

The College publishes information on student outcomes including retention rates of student's graduation rates and transfer out rates, job placement for graduates and placement in employment.

A wide range of student activities including leadership, service, and co-curricular experiences is offered by the Center for Student Engagement. The Student Activity Fee is a fee charged to all credit  students each academic term.  The revenue generated goes into a special account administered by the Student Government Association to  fund social, recreational, and cultural events, campus clubs and student organizations, authorized student travel and service trips, and annual signature student events such as New Student Convocation, Success Week, Welcome Week, and Wellness Events.  The fee is charged on a credit hour basis for up to a maximum of 10 credit hours. Students are encouraged to maximize their educational experiences through opportunities designed to enhance their personal, social and civic responsibilities, including promotion of voter registration. Every enrolled student receives information through the official college e-mail system on the voter registration process including a link to download a voter registration form.

Students are encouraged to utilize our career services to evaluate career options, explore job opportunities, and develop job seeking skills. In addition, assistance is provided to assist students explore opportunities to transfer to two and four year colleges to continue their education. Information regarding transfer scholarships, transfer of credit policies and  articulation agreements between Frederick Community College and various educational institutions is also available.

Frederick Community College complies with all federal regulations regarding privacy of student records. The College accords to students all rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. FERPA provides students with the right to inspect and review their educational records, to consent to disclosure of the student’s education records to third parties, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent, to request amendment of the student’s records and to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the college to comply with the requirements of FERPA.


The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008 requires colleges and universities to take steps to control unauthorized file sharing and copyright infringement. Specifically, colleges are required to:

Athletic Information

Contact: Michael Simone
[email protected]
Sports Information Coordinator
Phone: 240.629.7906
Office: D104

Athletic teams compete in two conferences, Maryland Junior College Conference (MD JUCO) and Region XX Conference of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA). A variety of information is available including Intercollegiate athletic program participation rates and financial support data and graduation and transfer out rates for students receiving athletically related student aid.
Contact Information
Dr. Benita Rashaw
[email protected]
Vice President for Student Experience
Office - H-100A
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