Planning to enroll at FCC but not sure you can afford it? Maybe you’ve already enrolled and could use some help paying for classes.
1. Contact the FCC Financial Aid Office to see if you are eligible for State or Federal Financial Aid. 2. If you still need assistance, contact Student Accounts to learn about and sign up for a payment plan. 3. And don’t forget, FCC Foundation scholarships are also available to help with your costs.
To apply for Summer 2025 Scholarships, complete the Fall 2025 Scholarship Application and answer “YES” to item #35 FCC Summer Session Scholarship (Summer 2025)
The Childcare Grant Program at Frederick Community College helps eligible students who have young children pay for childcare while they are attending classes. Child Care Grants are awarded to eligible FCC students demonstrating financial need (see the following pages of this application for a list of eligibility requirements). Employees of FCC are not eligible for this program. Apply Now
Parents Lead is a cohort-based program that assists parents in pursuing a degree at Frederick Community College. Parents Lead provides a specialized curriculum and wraparound services for parents attending classes at FCC. Active students in the program are eligible to receive scholarships to assist with tuition, books, and childcare expenses and have priority access to select online and on-campus courses. Learn More and Apply