1. What is my student network account?
- Your username is composed by W + your student ID (Example: W1234567). This information can be found on your student ID card or registration records.
2. What is my Password?
To obtain a password, please visit the Password Self Service site www.frederick.edu/passwords
- If you don’t know your password, or your password has expired, select “Forgot my Password” and provide the system with the requested authentication information as prompted.
- Maximum Password length: Your new password must be at least 12 characters long and contain uppercase and lowercase characters. It must also contain at least one number character or non-alphabetic character, for example, an exclamation mark.
- Maximum Password Age: 3 months (i.e. you will be required to change your password every 90 days)
- Your new password will be the same for your Outlook email, PeopleSoft, and Blackboard access
If you still have issues logging in, please visit the IT Help Desk office in G-122 with your student ID, or call 301.846.2509 for assistance.
3. How do I know my email account?
Your email account is composed by the first initial of your name + your last name + the last three digits of your student [email protected]. (Example: [email protected].
4. I registered for class but I can’t access my Blackboard account.
Please verify that you are currently enrolled in a Blackboard course. If you are enrolled and are still experiencing issues with your Blackboard account please contact your instructor directly.
Please note: Blackboard access will be made available one week prior to the class start date. If you register during the week prior or week after the class start date, the class generally will be available by 10:00 a.m. the next business day.
5. I don’t get emails from my instructor sent from Blackboard.
All email generated in Blackboard will be delivered to the email address that you've registered with Blackboard. You must keep your email address current. To update your email address in Blackboard:
- Login to Blackboard
- Locate the Tools menu on the left side of your welcome page.
- Click on "personal information," then "edit personal information." Enter the correct myFCC email address and hit "submit." Any new emails generated within Blackboard will go to that address.
6. Why is my Blackboard course not listed?
- Please verify that you are currently enrolled in the Blackboard course.
- If you are enrolled and are still experiencing issues with viewing your Blackboard course, contact your instructor directly to verify that the course has been made available for student access.
- If you are registered in advance for a future semester, then the class may not be opened yet and you may try again one week before the class starts.
7. How do I change my name on my email address?
To change or update your e-mail address, please complete and submit the “change of name form” to the Registration and Records office. Make sure to check the box asking to "change the e-mail account to match the name.” The form is located here.
8. How do I configure myFCC email on my mobile device?
Please see the information below for setting up your mobile device with your myFCC account:
If you have previously setup your myFCC email on your mobile device, you will have to delete your existing FCC account and then re-add it. When you go through the process of creating a new account, select the Exchange email type (not Outlook.com). After selecting the Exchange email type, please enter the following information in the appropriate fields:
- Email: first initial + last name + last three digits of your student ID @myfcc.frederick.edu (example: [email protected])
- Password: (Your myFCC password)
- Server: Outlook.office365.com
- Username: W + Your Student ID @myfcc.frederick.edu (example: [email protected])
Please note that we do not offer support for individual mobile devices. If you are unable to make the proper adjustments to your settings, we recommend you get help from your cell provider or the phone's manufacturer.
9. How do I forward myFCC email to my personal email account?
Students are expected to check their College email account regularly. If a student elects to forward his/her College email to another email account, the student remains responsible for any material not received because of any defect in the forwarding mechanism or the destination account.
Please see the information below for setting up email forwarding within your FCC email account:
- Log into your Outlook email account using the Outlook Web login.
- Click on the Settings gear in the upper right-hand of your screen.
- Select "Options".
- Within Options, click on the "Forwarding" link on the left-hand side of your screen.
(Note: If “Forwarding” does not appear immediately, select the drop down arrow beside the “Mail” tab to expand the Options, and then select the drop down arrow beside the “Accounts” tab to display the “Forwarding” tab.)
- Under the "Forwarding" heading, select “Start forwarding” and enter your external email address.
- Check the “Keep a copy of forwarded messages” box.
(Note: If you do not select this, nothing sent to your Outlook email account will be saved in your FCC mailbox.)
- Select “Save” at the top of the “Forwarding” header.
10. Student – Microsoft Office installation
Please see the information below for downloading Microsoft Office from your FCC email:
- Once logged into your FCC email account, select the Settings gear icon in the upper right corner of Outlook Web App.
- From the Settings list, select Office 365 settings.
- Once inside the Office 365 settings, select Software.
- Once on the Software page, select Office and click Install.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
- Please note that we do not offer support for personal computers. If you are unable to complete, or experience issues with the installation, we recommend contacting Microsoft directly.
11. Is there wi-fi access at FCC?
Wireless access to internet service is available around campus:
12. How do I clear my cache and Cookies?
Google Chrome:
- Open Chrome
- On your browser toolbar, click the Chrome Menu on the top right of the browser window.
- Point to More Tools, and then click Clear browsing data.
- In the “Clear browsing data” box, click the checkboxes for Cookies and other site and plugin data and Cached images and files.
- Use the menu at the top to select the amount of data you want to delete. Choose the Beginning of time to delete everything.
- Click Clear browsing data.
- Close the Google Chrome window and reopen.
13. Does FCC offer software discounts for students?
Yes, FCC offers software at a reduced cost for students, faculty, and staff, including Microsoft, Adobe, and several other software packages. Terms and conditions apply. Please be prepared to provide proof of affiliation with FCC at time of registration. For a complete list of available software and terms and conditions, visit www.Frederick.onthehub.com.
14. How do I sign up for FCC Alert?
FCC Alert is a service free of cost to FCC students and they can sign up as soon as they register for classes. To sign up to FCC Alert, go to www.frederick.edu/fccalert.
If you are a student, faculty or staff member, please click the "Signup!" link and enter your information in the required fields to create your account.
- Create a user name of your choice and enter it in the blank space (point at the blank field)
- Enter your fist and last name in the required fields (point at the fields)
- Create and enter your own password in the required fields and confirm it (point at the fields)
- Use the Opt-out by drop down arrow to select the date you want to stop receiving FCC Alert messages (ex. Your graduation month\year)
- In the Mobile Phone (TXT) field, enter your phone number including the area code and select a carrier from the drop down list. You can also select an alternate carrier if your first carrier choice did not work. For instance, (Demo) if carrier is Sprint PCS but it was not recognized, then you can select Sprint PCS (Alternate). You can also choose to be notified by email.
- Agree to Terms of Service by clicking the check box
- Input that activation code in the “Validation Code” field and click on “Validate”. You are now signed to FCC Alert and ready to receive notifications.