Student Photo IDs and Parking Pass
Student Photo ID
Frederick Community College provides Student Photo IDs and Parking Passes at all Welcome & Information Center locations:
- Jefferson Hall Welcome and Information Center
- Student Center Welcome and Information Center
- Monroe Center Welcome Desk (No parking pass required if you are taking classes strictly at the Monroe Center)
View Hours of Operation
Who Needs a Student ID?
All FCC students attending classes on campus are required to obtain an official Student Photo ID during their first semester of enrollment.
Why Do You Need an ID?
Your FCC Student ID provides access to essential campus services, including:
- Campus Events & Activities – Sign in easily at events
- The Cougar Mart – Get free items
- Library & Bookstore – Borrow books and purchase materials
- Testing Center – Verify your identity for exams
- Navigate Kiosk – Check in at various offices around campus, including:
- MOSAIC Center
- Student Leadership & Engagement Office
- Student Success Office
- Veterans & Military Services Office
- STEM Learning Center
- Tutoring & Writing Center
- Signing into the Kiosk for any services in Jefferson Hall, including:
- Picking up transcripts
- Meeting with your advisor
- Meeting with a Financial Aid officer
- Meeting with the Registration office
- Paying tuition and handling other college-related transactions
ID Requirement
Your first ID is free. A physical photo ID is required to obtain your FCC Student ID. Acceptable forms of identification include:
- Government-issued ID (e.g., driver's license, state ID)
- Passport
- Valid and unexpired school ID
Parking Pass
All enrolled students may get a parking sticker, at no cost, from the Jefferson Hall Welcome Center, and the Student Center. Students may park in any space not designated as staff parking or other unauthorized spaces such as handicapped or reserved spaces. Students parking in unauthorized spaces will be issued citations and vehicles parked illegally, disrupting traffic flow, or creating a safety hazard will be towed at the owner’s expense. In addition to our many parking lots, FCC has a three-story, 350-space parking deck for students adjacent to the Conference Center.
Learn more about parking here.
Directions to the FCC Main Campus and the Monroe Center can be found here.
Hours of Operation
Hours for the FCC Main Campus and the Monroe Center can be found here.