Frederick Community College is proactively governed by a seven-member Board of Trustees, appointed by the Governor of Maryland, and is responsible for the development of Board policies and resource development consistent with the mission of the College. As the sole governing body of the College, the Board is ultimately accountable for academic quality and maintaining continuous accreditation, equal opportunity, fiscal and academic integrity, strategic planning, assets, safety and security, and the financial health of the organization.

Our Trustees are prominent members of our community. Read below to learn about their background, their highlights as a Trustee, and their favorite things about both FCC and the Frederick community.


Meet the Trustees:
  • Theodore M. Luck Theodore M. Luck

    Current Term:  2021 - 2026

  • Tom Lynch Tom Lynch

    Vice Chair
    Current Term: 2020 - 2025

  • Carolyn Kimberlin Carolyn Kimberlin

    Current Term: 2023 - 2028

  • Tracey McPherson Tracey McPherson
    Current Term: 2023-2028
  • William Reid Dr. William Reid

    Current Term: 2023 - 2028

  • Myrna Whitworth Myrna Whitworth

    Current Term: 2024-2029

  • Janice Spiegel Janice Spiegel
    Special Projects Manager/Budget Office Frederick County Government
  • Dr. Annesa Cheek Dr. Annesa Cheek

    FCC  President

  • BOT Group Photo FCC Board of Trustees

close Theodore M. Luck
Theodore M. Luck

What makes Frederick County special?
I moved my family to Frederick County more than forty years ago, shortly after accepting a teaching assignment here.  Initially, I was stuck by the sheer natural beauty of the county and I felt this would be a great place to live and raise a family.  As I learned more about the school system and the community, my first impressions of Frederick County were well supported.   When you care about your community, you commit to serving it and that is exactly what we did as a family in a variety of ways over the years.

I am most proud to say that my entire career in education was spent servicing this community.  The first time I stepped into a classroom as a junior high school social studies teacher, I knew I was in the right place to follow my passion for learn and teaching.  My first eighteen years were spent doing something I absolutely loved, teaching.  From the classroom, I moved into administration as a middle school assistant principal and later a central office administrator leading Frederick County Public School’s Gifted Education initiatives and Multicultural education efforts.  I also had the honor of teaching a graduate level course at Hood College.  This course was designed to help classroom teachers better address the diverse cultural and academic needs of their students.

What makes Frederick Community College special?
Our Community College plays a critical role this community.  Exposure is fundamental to education.  FCC provides opportunities for students to receive critical academic and technical skills at an affordable cost.  The College’s traditional and alternative learning environment exponentially increases opportunities for those seeking to improve their life through education and skills building.

It has been inspiring to watch the College access, adjust and expand to better meet the needs of our growing community.  A strong and viable community college is an invaluable asset to its community.   Frederick County Community College is exactly that.

Theodore (Ted) Luck is originally from Washington D.C.   He has had a long career in education, first with Frederick County Public Schools as a classroom teacher and a building level administrator before moving to a supervisory position in the school system’s central office as Supervisor of Gifted and Talented Education and Education That is Multicultural. Luck was responsible for the development and delivery of diversity training for school system personnel including classroom teachers, bus drivers and cafeteria workers.

Luck is a former adjunct instructor in the Educational Leadership program in the Graduate School at Hood College.  For eleven years he taught a course entitled, ‘Educational Philosophy in a Diverse Society’. Educators from multiple school districts took advantage of this course designed to provide classroom teachers with critical pedagogical skills necessary to improve their cultural proficiencies as they work with increasingly diverse student populations. 

After retiring from Frederick County Public Schools, Luck accepted a staff position at Hood College, Director of Student Success and Outreach.  In this position he chaired a committee focused on student retention.

Luck has served in various capacities on numerous nonprofit boards in Frederick County including The United Way of Frederick County, Advocates for Homeless Families, Maryland Sheriff Youth Ranch and Frederick Memorial Hospital.  He is currently serving in various capacities with The Community Foundation of Frederick County, the Frederick Arts Council, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Alpha Lambda Lambda Chapter and the Rotary Club of Frederick.  

Luck earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in History with a minor in Art at the District of Columbia Teacher’s College in Washington, D. C. and a Masters of Arts in School Administration and Supervision from Hood College. He received the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Award for Outstanding Administrator in Gifted Education as well an Award from MSDE for Outstanding Contributions to Minority Student Achievement.

Luck lives in Frederick County with his wife, Alyce, of 48 years. They have a daughter Tracie and a son T.J. (deceased).
He enjoys acrylic painting, photography and traveling.

close Tom Lynch
Tom Lynch

What makes FCC special?
The College is truly a community and I feel a part of it. I’m very grateful for that. FCC has great educators and a great administration. It is a critical piece of the education equation for all students in Frederick County. FCC provides a quality education at a very reasonable cost. Students can start taking classes while still in high school and can save a fortune in long-term education expenses. I also appreciate that FCC is a place that has a real commitment to lifelong learning. As a result, the student body can be from 15 years of age to as old as you can count. It’s wonderful.

What have you learned about FCC from your time as a Trustee?
I learn something new about FCC every day and that’s one of the great joys of being a Trustee. I have come to appreciate more fully how FCC is a resource to the Frederick business community in many different ways. The College offers workforce training, retraining, and of course student internships. We provide expertise when businesses call on us for assistance. FCC is the avenue that provides multiple pathways for learning, development, and training that lead to positive employment opportunities.

How did you get into law and how does it help you in your role as a Trustee?
I love problem solving – that’s the long and short of it. I went into law to develop skills that would enable me to make a positive difference in the world in some way.  Thankfully, I learned that I have a mind that operates with logic and discipline. As you get more senior, one of the blessings that comes with experience is patience and the ability to make better judgments and be a better problem solver. Your skill set grows as your maturity grows. Being a lawyer requires strong listening and communication skills. When you work as a lawyer, you deal every day with differences of opinion. You learn to digest and understand different opinions without personalizing or demonizing. You learn that sometimes people will have an honest difference of opinion, and that’s okay. You work to build consensus knowing it’s not about the individual people, it’s about the problem and how to solve it.

Both you and your wife, Karlys Kline, are very involved in community service. Why is it so important to you to find ways to support and serve the community?
Karlys and I do our best to be a team for good. We love Frederick County so much that we hardly ever want to go away on vacation because we’d rather be here. We try to make Frederick a better place each day, whether it’s through supporting the Community Foundation, the YMCA, the Chamber of Commerce, or the Women’s Giving Circle. There is so much beauty that comes from giving of yourself. What you give in service comes back to you 1,000 times over in joy and satisfaction.

Tom Lynch has been an active member of the legal profession and the Maryland State Bar Association for 43 years, 40 of which were spent with the law firm of Miles and Stockbridge, P.C., from which he retired on April 30, 2021. He has a small consulting firm of his own now and looks forward to doing more mediations and arbitrations as a neutral.
Lynch’s diverse legal experience includes concentrations in litigation, environmental law, and business advisory work. He also has been involved for years as a neutral in dispute resolution, including serving as a mediator and arbitrator.
Lynch is also known for his broad knowledge and experience on ethics issues. He has participated as a member of the Maryland State Bar Ethics Committee since 1990, making him the longest current serving member.
He has served in leadership roles for numerous community organizations such as Chamber of Commerce of Frederick County (Executive Committee member and Board Chair), the Frederick County Solid Waste Advisory Committee (member and then Chair), the Frederick County Board of Education Ethics Committee (member and then Chair), the Community Foundation of Frederick County (member and then Chair), the YMCA (board member), Daybreak Adult Day Care, Inc. (board member), the Church of the Brethren Learning Center (board member), and the Committee for Frederick County (Chair). He currently serves on the Business and Industry Cabinet of the Frederick County Executive. In addition, he is the immediate past President of the Maryland Bar Foundation, Inc.
In 2003, Lynch was honored as the recipient of a “Leadership in the Law” Award from The Daily Record and, in 2011, was honored by the Frederick County Bar Association with the W. Jerome Offutt Award for Professionalism.
Lynch received his Bachelor of Arts in Government and Philosophy from Harvard University (Magna Cum Laude) in 1974 and his law degree from Boston College Law School (Cum Laude and Order of the Coif) in 1977.

close Carolyn Kimberlin
Carolyn Kimberlin

Why is Frederick a special place to you?
I have been here 42 years. Everything about Frederick is beautiful to me, especially the people and the landscape. From being a principal at Thomas Johnson and New Market middle schools, I have had the experience of learning about other cultures. I love the diversity of our students in Frederick and I have learned so much from all of my students.

How do you feel that you can best contribute to the Board and the success of FCC?
I am committed to helping our Board fulfill our greatest mission, which is student success. I have been an educational leader for more than 35 years, which has prepared me well for my role as a Trustee. I am a strong believer that one of the secrets of success is being a strong leader who can share those skills with others. I hope to help our Board by bringing in that leadership experience.

Why do you feel FCC is a critical part of our community?
FCC offers our community the opportunity to thrive. FCC is so valuable because it provides students the ability to build a better future for themselves.

You were a principal and educational leader for FCPS for more than 30 years. What did you enjoy most about that time?
It was a real honor to watch students and teachers be successful. Being a teacher is hard. You could work 24 hours a day and still feel like it isn’t enough. It was a privilege for me to support teachers and help them find ways to succeed so that our students could succeed.

Carolyn Kimberlin is a longtime local educator who has served Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) for more than 30 years. She is a former principal of both Governor Thomas Johnson Middle School and New Market Middle School and a former assistant principal of Walkersville Elementary School. She has served as the Director of Student Services, a classroom elementary school teacher, and a reading specialist for FCPS, as well as a consultant in the College Readiness Division of The College Board.

In addition to her professional experience, Kimberlin also serves on a variety of local boards. She is a founding committee member of the Women’s Giving Circle and serves on its Circle Grants Committee. She is also a member of the Community Foundation Scholarship Committee and the Frederick County Retired School Personnel Association. She has previously served on the YMCA Board of Directors, including on its Finance Committee and as the YMCA Chairperson for its “Campaign for Kids.”

Kimberlin earned a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education at the California University of Pennsylvania and a Master of Arts from West Virginia University. She completed post-graduate work at Hood College.

She received the 2002 Washington Post Distinguished Leadership Award and a Lifetime PTSA Membership Award.

Kimberlin has been a Frederick County resident for 42 years. She and her husband, Richard, have a daughter and granddaughter.

close Tracey McPherson
Tracey McPherson

You are an FCC alum. What did attending FCC mean to you and how did it help shape your future career?
I could not do what I do without my degree, so it laid the foundation for my career. More importantly I would say that FCC is where I began to change my narrative, going to FCC was the first step I took to write my own story, so I guess you could say it was life changing, as it is for so many people. To serve as a Trustee is coming full circle and I appreciate the opportunity to be part of an institution that changes lives. 
You and your husband have been business owners in Frederick County for over 40 years. What are your favorite things about being part of this community?
My husband, Bud and I like to travel but we are always happy to come home to beautiful Frederick County and all it has to offer. The Frederick business community has been incredibly supportive of us since Bud started the company in 1980. It has been rewarding and we are grateful to have had a chance to build relationships with so many of the community and business leaders. We are in the commercial real estate appraisal and consulting business, and we have seen a lot of changes. While the value of real estate may have changed, the values of our community have remained the same. The residents and business leaders recognize the value of participation, and financial support, and are willing to dig in to solve problems as well as celebrate our successes and that is what makes Frederick County a dynamic and generous place.
What are you most excited about as a member of the FCC Board of Trustees?
I have been in a small business for my whole career, and it is a different work environment. I am anxious to learn about the institution and learn from my fellow trustees. I am excited to be working with school leadership and fellow trustees, helping to expand the vision for the changing landscape of community college education. I am also hoping to have a little fun meeting students and faculty and celebrating their successes.   
Tracey L. McPherson is a longtime resident and business owner in Frederick County. For over 40 years she has worked with her husband and business partner at McPherson & Associates Inc, a commercial real estate appraisal and consulting firm. In addition, they have completed several real estate projects in Frederick and Carroll Counties.
McPherson started her college career at Frederick Community College and went on to earn a Bachelor of Arts in Economics at UMBC. In addition, she is a licensed General Certified Real Estate Appraiser.
McPherson is a supporter of many local organizations, including the FCC Foundation Board as development chair (former), is a founding member of the Women’s Giving Circle of Frederick County, and a member of the Order of the Good Samaritan, Frederick Health Hospital; the Tivoli Society, Weinberg Center for the Arts; Heritage Circle of Heritage Frederick; and the African American History, Heritage, and Culture Society (AARCH).
McPherson and her husband T. W. “Bud” McPherson live just east of Frederick City and enjoy concerts, the beach, cooking, traveling, family, and friends.

close William Reid
Dr. William Reid

What is your historical connection to Frederick, Maryland, and how did this connection influence your commitment to serve your community and country?
 As a lifelong resident of Frederick County, Maryland, and a Governor Thomas Johnson High School graduate, my family's numerous contributions influenced me to continue their legacy of commitment and service to our community and country. My great-uncle served as the first principal and teacher of Lincoln High School, the African American High School in Frederick County, Maryland. I am also proud of my military service and my family's military contributions, including my father, sister, and uncles, who served in the United States Armed Services with distinction and honor. Another uncle was a respected veterinarian in Annapolis, Maryland. My mother, a Frederick County school teacher for over 30 years and an avid supporter of civil rights, worked tirelessly to end racial discrimination as a young adult, and she encouraged me to oppose racism, hate, and bigotry.
Why did you choose to become an infectious diseases research veterinarian?
 My family set the example to achieve academic success. Therefore, after graduating from the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, I served as a biological science assistant in the United States Army at the Walter Reed Institute of Research. Post-military service, I attended graduate and veterinary schools at Tuskegee University, then returned to my alma mater, where I became an assistant professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine's Institute of Human Virology and Department of Microbiology and Immunology. My subject matter expertise focused on infectious diseases research; I am now a retired staff scientist from the National Institutes of Health. My research, teaching, and student mentoring career has spanned over 30 years. 
 Dr. William Reid is committed to serving the Frederick community, his home state of Maryland, and his country. He has accomplished this by holding several different positions that include election to the Frederick County Democratic State Central Committee, serving on County Executive Jan Gardner's Racial Equity and Inclusion Leadership team, Governor Wes Moore's transition team as an at-large member of the Education and Transportation subcommittees, as an at-large transition team member for County Executive Jessica Fitzwater serving on the sustainability, infrastructure, and transportation subcommittee, and as a Joe Biden delegate to the 2020 Democratic National Convention.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Reid was a member of the Frederick County Health Department's COVID-19 "Testing Task Force," helping to assess and monitor testing needs throughout the county, and a member of the Frederick County Climate Emergency Mobilization Workgroup tasked with developing recommendations to develop an actionable roadmap to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Most recently, he participated in moving Frederick County forward as vice president of the Frederick County chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, as a member of the Asian American Center of Frederick AmeriCorps Seniors Advisory Council, and Board member of Frederick Family Partnership. The mission of these organizations is to build social, economic, educational, and health equity for the people they serve.
Reid is a Frederick, Maryland, native and has lived with his wife Monica for over 30 years.

close Myrna Whitworth
Myrna Whitworth
What did you enjoy most about your first term on the FCC Board of Trustees?
I enjoyed being part of an institution that was improving the lives of Frederick County citizens by offering students of all ages, ethnicity, and gender the opportunity to thrive. I was particularly impressed with the stories our students told about their lives and the opportunity FCC was affording them. I was on the Board during a time of change with the selection of a new president and an updating of policies, facilities, and programs. I feel privileged to have served.
What unique expertise or perspective do you bring to the FCC Board of Trustees?
I think my past experience as an FCC Board of Trustees member, including two years as Chair, will offer some historical context to the Board's mission. I also have served on the FCC Foundation Board, a position that gave me perspective on the needs of our students and the fundraising efforts to assist both academic and workplace development students in their goals. In addition, I have spent many years in public service, serving on numerous boards, commissions, and committees and have taught college courses at both Mount Saint Mary's and American University.
How does FCC benefit our community?
I am a strong believer in the importance of FCC to the economic wellbeing of Frederick County. In the coming years, community colleges must be equipped to teach and train students for a new generation of professions in a changing job market. Frederick Community College is looking ahead and preparing our students - both academic and workforce credentialed- to compete in the marketplace. 
You spent your professional career working in international broadcast news. What did you enjoy most about that?
I was most fortunate in spending 28 years in a profession I loved. Each day was different and was shaped by the news of the day. It was our job at the Voice of America (VOA) to present that information to the world, unbiased, balanced and uncensored, in some 50 languages. During my career, I also managed the Office of Media Training which has trained journalists from around the world in the principles of First Amendment journalism.
This is Trustee Whitworth’s second term on the Board, having previously served from 2013 to 2018. During that time, she was Board Chair from 2015 to 2017 and Vice Chair from 2017 to 2018.  In addition to her previous time on the Board, Trustee Whitworth has also served on the FCC Foundation Board of Directors from 2018-2023.

Prior to becoming involved with FCC, Trustee Whitworth had a long career in broadcast news. For 28 years, she was employed at VOA, an international broadcasting organization.

During her time there, she served twice as Acting Director- including during 9/11 and its aftermath, was Executive Producer of an hour-long flagship news program, and was the first Director of the Office of Affiliate Relations, during which she dramatically expanded the number of local stations in countries around the world carrying VOA programming. When she retired in 2002, she was the Director of Programs responsible for the daily programming of 1,200 international journalists broadcasting 800 hours a week on radio, television, and online in 53 languages.

Trustee Whitworth has continued to stay busy since her retirement, tutoring ESL students through the Literacy Council of Frederick County and volunteering at the Frederick Food Bank. She was an adjunct professor for eight years at Mount St. Mary's University teaching courses in global journalism. She also taught journalism and moderated a lecture series on the Middle East at the American University Osher Lifelong Learning Center.
close Janice Spiegel
Janice Spiegel
Special Projects Manager/Budget Office Frederick County Government
close Dr. Annesa Cheek
Dr. Annesa Cheek


Dr. Annesa Payne Cheek began as the 11th President of Frederick Community College on July 1, 2022.

President Cheek came to FCC from St. Cloud Technical & Community College in Minnesota, where she served as President for four years. Prior to that presidency, she spent 12 years at Sinclair Community College in Ohio, an institution serving over 30,000 individuals across five locations. While there, she was the Vice President of the School and Community Partnerships Division for three years. President Cheek’s other past positions at Sinclair Community College include Vice President for Student Financial Services and Senior Advisor to the President, Chief of Staff in the Office of the President, and Senior Director of Advancement. She has also served as the Executive Vice President for the Ohio Association of Community Colleges.

close BOT Group Photo
FCC Board of Trustees
The 2024-2025 Frederick Community College Board of Trustees
​Carolyn Kimberlin
Dr. William Reid
Myrna Whitworth
Dr. Annesa Cheek, President/Secretary-Treasurer
Theodore M. Luck, Chair
Tom Lynch, Vice Chair
Tracey McPherson 
​Janice Spiegel, Special Projects Manager/Budget Office (Non-voting Frederick County Liaison)



2025 Board Meeting Materials


All regular meetings are held at 4:30 p.m. unless otherwise indicated.

Date Agenda Written Statement Board Packet Minutes
January 15, 2025 Regular Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Packet  
February 3, 2025 Special Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session    
February 19, 2025 Regular Meeting Agenda   Packet  
March 19, 2025 Regular Meeting        
April 10, 2025, Joint Meeting with FCPS Board of Education        
April 23, 2025 Regular Meeting        
June 11, 2025 Regular Meeting        
August 20, 2025 Regular Meeting        
September 17, 2025 Regular Meeting        
October 15, 2025 Regular Meeting        
November 19, 2025 Regular Meeting        


2024 Board Meeting Materials

All regular meetings are held at 4:30 p.m. unless otherwise indicated.


Date Agenda Written Statement Board Packet Minutes
January 24, 2024 Regular Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Packet Minutes
February 17, 2024 Board Retreat CANCELLED Agenda      
February 21, 2024 Regular Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Packet Minutes
March 9, 2024 Board Retreat Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session   Minutes
March 20, 2024 Regular Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Packet Minutes
April 11, 2024 Board Retreat Agenda     Minutes
April 17, 2024 Regular Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Packet Minutes
May 11, 2024 Board Retreat Agenda   Packet Minutes
May 22, 2024 Regular Meeting ** at 11:00 a.m.** Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Packet Minutes
June 4, 2024 Regular Meeting RESCHEDULED From June 12 Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Packet Minutes
June 18, 2024 Special Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session   Minutes
July 9, 2024 Board Retreat Agenda     Minutes
August 21, 2024 Regular Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Packet Minutes
September 18, 2024 Regular Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Packet Minutes
October 16, 2024 Regular Meeting Agenda   Packet Minutes
November 16, 2024 Board Retreat Agenda     Minutes
November 20, 2024 Regular Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Packet Minutes


2023 Board Meeting Materials


Date Agenda Written Statement Minutes
January 25, 2023 Regular Meeting Agenda   Minutes
February 22, 2023 Regular Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Minutes
March 4, 2023 Board Retreat Agenda   Minutes
March 9, 2023 FCC FCPS Joint Meeting Agenda   Minutes
March 15, 2023 Regular Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Minutes
April 19, 2023 Regular Meeting Agenda   Minutes
May 11, 2023 Board Retreat Agenda   Minutes
May 12, 2023 Board Retreat Agenda   Minutes
May 24, 2023 Regular Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Minutes
June 5, 2023 Closed Session Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Minutes
June 14, 2023 Regular Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Minutes
June 27, 2023 Closed Session Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Minutes
July 27, 2023 Special Meeting Agenda   Minutes
August 8, 2023 Closed Session Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Minutes
August 16, 2023 Regular Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Minutes
September 16, 2023 Board Retreat Agenda   Minutes
September 20, 2023 Regular Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Minutes
October 18, 2023 Regular Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Minutes
November 15, 2023 Regular Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Minutes
December 1, 2023 Board Retreat Agenda   Minutes


2022 Board Meeting Materials


Date Agenda Written Statement Minutes
January 20, 2022 Closed Session Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Minutes
January 26, 2022 Regular Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Minutes
February 7, 2022 Closed Session Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Minutes
February 8, 2022 Closed Session Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Minutes
February 9, 2022 Closed Session Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Minutes
February 11, 2022 Closed Session Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Minutes
February 16, 2022 Regular Meeting Agenda   Minutes
March 9, 2022 Regular Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Minutes
April 13, 2022 Regular Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Minutes
May 25, 2022 Regular Meeting Agenda   Minutes
June, 15, 2022 Regular Meeting Agenda   Minutes
July 23, 2022 Board Retreat Agenda   Minutes
August 17, 2022 Regular Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Minutes
September 21, 2022 Regular Meeting Agenda   Minutes
October 19, 2022 Regular Meeting Agenda Written Statement for Closed Session Minutes
November 5, 2022 Board Retreat Agenda   Minutes
November 16, 2022 Regular Meeting Agenda   Minutes
December 8, 2022 Special Meeting Agenda   Minutes

Bylaws & BOT Policies


Bylaws of the Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees Policies